Warning: ob_start() [ref.outcontrol]: output handler 'ob_gzhandler' conflicts with 'zlib output compression' in /home/goaheadbg/www/root/system/init.php on line 15

Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers already sent by (output started at /home/goaheadbg/www/root/system/init.php:15) in /home/goaheadbg/www/root/system/init.php on line 19

Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT DATE_FORMAT(n.date,'%d.%m.%Y') as date,n.id,l.title,l.description FROM _news as n LEFT JOIN _news_lang as l on l.newsid = n.id and l.langid = '1' WHERE n.id = ref.outcontrol and n.section = 1 ORDER BY n.date DESC
MySQL Error: 1054 (Unknown column 'ref.outcontrol' in 'WHERE')

Session halted.